Version 2.0.4

by Matthew, on 13 April 2017


Today we have released version 2.0.4 of FixMyStreet, a bugfix release along with a couple of other improvements.

The bugfixes are updating our Facebook library so that Facebook login works again, stopping an error if you had a devolved body and its contact both lacking a send method, and an issue in the multi-select front end if you had characters such as brackets in your category name.

Strangely, while the backend has always allowed multiple email addresses for a contact, separated by commas, the admin interface hasn’t allowed them to be entered - this has now been corrected.

Lastly, body pages under /reports will now limit the reports shown to those within the visible map, which should make moving and zooming around much more intuitive.

Full changelog

If you have any questions, or problems installing the code, please do get in touch, or post on our mailing list.