Improving Configuration
Now that a default install is a bit more straightforward to set up, our thoughts turn to improving the customistation of that default install. Currently, apart from the options already present in the main configuration file, that involves knowing a bit of Perl, in order to create a Cobrand .pm file containing the various customistations. So to reduce that dependency, we’ve moved a number of these options into the main configuration file, so that hopefully a standard customisation might not need a Cobrand .pm file at all.
These changes range from simple text strings that are now in templates, through to specifying what areas from MapIt you are interested in, or what languages the site is available in. The general.yml-example file contains information on each option, and we’ve updated our customisation documentation as well.
Also, thanks to some testing of a current installation by Anders for FiksGataMi, we’ve made more incremental improvements to the installation, including fixing a couple of tests that shouldn’t run unless your configuration is set up in a particular way, making sure inherited cobrands use the best templates, and including the Catalyst::Devel module so running the development server is easier.
If you have any questions, or problems installing the code, please do get in touch, or post on our mailing list.