Version 2.0.1

by Matthew, on 16 December 2016


Today we have released version 2.0.1 of FixMyStreet, a bugfix release. The issues fixed are:

  • Chrome 55 changes the way it handles mouse/touch events, unifying them as pointer events, and OpenLayers, the JavaScript mapping library we use, needed patching to deal with this. Thanks to the Chrome team for helping debug this.
  • strftime output (e.g. used to display dates) was sometimes being double decoded, giving incorrect output in some languages.
  • If a category was filtered, it was not being properly carried through to the new report form.
  • The body/area inputs in the admin were being fixed to a too-small height.

Some bugfixes and improvements have also been made to the admin inspector report view, along with a couple of development improvements – the tests coping better if run on a network that intercepts NXDOMAINs, and a better way of showing the git version in the admin config.

If you have any questions, or problems installing the code, please do get in touch, or post on our mailing list.